March 20, 2025

Storm Klein Resolves Domestic Case – Hopes To Be Reinstated By Urban Meyer

Storm Klein who was a linebacker for Ohio State until he was released from the team on July 7 has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge. The domestic violence charge involving his girlfriend has been dismissed.

Larry James, an attorney for Klein said: “We have asked the coach not to prejudge”. “We’ve asked that (Klein) be reinstated. He has said that if things materially change, he would reconsider.”

Storm Klein has agreed to 18 months’ probation and aherance to a “behavioral contract” with Ohio State that includes “many conditions.” He also received credit for two days served.

Klein lost his scholarship but his attorney hope he can get it back.  If he’s unable to get his scholarship back, Doug Lesmerises from the Plain Dealer has reported that he wouldn’t be able to afford OSU.

Klein would bring depth and is experienced as a senior.  Ohio State says Storm Klein’s status with team will be re-evaluated based on legal happenings today.