October 10, 2024

A goodbye, a hello, and fighting robots in Ohio State coverage: Buckeye Talk Podcast

COLUMBUS, Ohio — On this Friday Buckeye Talk, a torch is passed. This is the final Buckeye Talk episode for Doug Lesmerises as a cleveland.com employee (maybe he’ll be allowed back as a guest one day) and the first Buckeye Talk for Andrew Gillis, the new member of cleveland.com’s Ohio State coverage How this ep with Doug, Andrew and Nathan Baird goes down: (0:30) Thoughts about covering Ohio State (8:12) Introduction of Andrew as the newest member of Buckeye Talk (15:29) What Joe Burrow is like in the NFL (22:55) Balancing OSU coverage (25:31) What will AI mean for the future of sports coverage? (This is the robot part) (29:53) The role of Buckeye Talk in cleveland.com’s OSU coverage (49:12) The future of Buckeye Talk (1:12:44) A final goodbye Thanks, as always, for listening to Buckeye Talk. Recommended Buckeyes stories If you or a loved one has questions and needs…

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