October 6, 2024

How 22 Former Ohio State Men's Basketball Players Performed in International Leagues Last Season

With three NBA draft picks in the past two years, Ohio State is steadily sending an increased number of prospects to the top professional basketball league in the world. But not every former Buckeye is destined for a career in the NBA, and even fewer are able to stay at that level for their entire pro tenure. After all, the basketball world is much bigger than just the NBA alone. Of those that once donned the scarlet and gray that are still playing professionally, most are hooping in international countries all across the globe, where fans aren’t likely to have easy access to their latest exploits. The Basketball Tournament has provided an outlet for Buckeye fans to watch their favorite Ohio State players of yesteryear in competitive contests and catch up on their careers, but Carmen’s Crew took last summer off to refurbish the team and come back stronger in…

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