October 27, 2024

Where is Ohio State in ESPN’s future quarterback rankings

It’s the position on a football field that matters more than any other. Sure, the college game is a team one and you have to be good in all facets of the game, but — perhaps more than ever — good ‘ole American football is a quarterback-driven game. It didn’t use to be that way necessarily. In fact, running back was once the glamour position at Ohio State. Then, coaches began to realize that allowing the most-gifted player on the field touch the ball every snap was a pretty good strategy. And so, that’s where we are and that’s where Ohio State has been ever since really the Troy Smith days. That has only arguably gotten better under Ryan Day, who is known as a quarterback guru of sorts since his time at Ohio State. Consider that every single signal-caller Day has coached with the Buckeyes has gone on to…

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