September 21, 2024

Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose walks tightrope in Tuesday’s GOP primary

“I think it’s irresponsible when Republicans say an election was stolen and don’t have evidence,” LaRose told journalists with the Cleveland Plain Dealer in mid-November 2020 as then-President Donald Trump refused to concede his loss and seethed about widespread fraud. Eighteen months later, Trump is still raging about fraud, but LaRose has embraced the former President’s endorsement of his reelection bid ahead of Tuesday’s primary in the Buckeye State. LaRose, who is seeking a second term as Ohio’s election chief, also has struck a sharper and more partisan tone. He’s tweeted that “President Trump is right to say voter fraud is a serious problem.” And he’s suggested that Democrats would undermine secure elections in the state should they win top slots in Ohio. His shifting rhetoric illustrates the tightrope the former state senator is walking in a state where the main event in Tuesday’s primary is the crowded, ugly and…

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