March 10, 2025

'Stand Your Ground' law is now in effect in Ohio

Should Ohioans have the right to kill, if in fear for their lives, no matter where they are? That’s the new measure signed into law by Governor Mike DeWine, which went into effect on Tuesday.  Ohio’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ gun law to go into effect on Tuesday What to watch next Click to expand Replay Video Ohio is now a ‘Stand Your Ground’ state. Load Error “Your first priority ought to be to do what’s best to protect yourself and your loved ones, not to figure out how to check off some strange box that Ohio had in its law previously,” says Rob Sexton, Legislative Affairs Director of the Buckeye Firearms Association. That “strange box” in the previous law states that you must be either in your home, place of work, or vehicle in order to use deadly force against an attacker, otherwise you have a duty to retreat. Now,…

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