COLUMBUS, Ohio — Way back in the first week of April, we still had so much to learn about the coronavirus pandemic, and seemingly plenty of time to learn about Oho State football’s 2020 roster. Five months later we still cling to the visuals from the first spring practices in March for our impressions of what the Buckeyes would or would not be if given the chance to play in 2020. Based on those glimpses, Nathan Baird and Stephen Means drafted rosters for a hypothetical spring game that had already been canceled due to COVID-19. Reeling from the 105-12 vote against his team from our Buckeye Talk text subscribers, Stephen Means vowed to decide the matter in the most 2020 way possible — on an Xbox 360. He eventually located updated bootleg rosters to use with an old NCAA Football 14 game. On Wednesday, the Baird Bunch and Means Machine…
Continue Reading: What an Xbox simulation told us about what Ohio State football might have looked like on opening night