By Andrew Beaton Close Andrew Beaton Biography @andrewlbeaton and Louise Radnofsky Close Louise Radnofsky Biography @louiseradnofsky Aug. 30, 2020 10:47 am ET High schools can play football in Ohio. Two NFL teams are gearing up to play. Even the University of Cincinnati can play. But Ohio State, the team around which the state revolves, cannot play fall football. It’s a contradiction in the response to the novel coronavirus—and few officials in the state are saying who’s right or who’s wrong. The game is the same at all levels. There’s blocking and tackling. In social distancing terms, those are about as bad as a hug, and hugs are pretty bad. This one state unmasks the inconsistencies that have emerged trying to reconcile something immensely popular, football, with something else that’s deeply polarizing—how schools should be operating during a pandemic. In the 2020 that America was expecting, what happened in…
Continue Reading: Ohio High Schools Can Play Football. Ohio State Can’t.