March 10, 2025

WATCH: Ohio State AD Gene Smith thanks health professionals and public safety workers during COVID-19

During these trying times, against an invisible enemy like this COVID-19 pandemic, it takes heroes of epic proportions to get us through it all. © File Photo Ohio State AD Gene Smith thanks health professionals, safety workers During 9-11, it was the first responders like the police and fireman that were on the front lines. Some of those same folks are involved in this one too, but so are the many health professionals that are risking their own health to care for those stricken by this tragic virus that has already impacted so many. That’s not lost on Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith. He took to Twitter on Friday to thank all the Ohio State medical professionals and public safety workers for putting themselves in front of others. Yes, it’s a job, but one that takes great bravery and courage to continue to fight what we’re dealing with these…

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