October 26, 2024

No Breathers in Sight for Struggling Ohio State Hoops

The nice thing about Big Ten Conference football is that in times of trouble there’s the chance Rutgers or Maryland will show up on the schedule. The bad thing about Big Ten Conference basketball is that in times of trouble there’s a chance Rutgers or Maryland will show up on the schedule. There are no deep breaths, no off-weeks masquerading as game weeks, once the football powers put away their helmets and shoulder pads for the season. So when you’re riding a four-game losing streak, like Ohio State is after a 66-54 defeat Saturday at Indiana, don’t look for a light at the end of the tunnel. It will be an oncoming locomotive. The Buckeyes, who were once ranked No. 2 nationally and a win over West Virginia in Cleveland away from ascending to No. 1, have undergone the most radical and rapid transformation from muscular to meek since Delilah…

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