October 21, 2024

Good to Know: 101-year-old crosses finish line at Ohio State 4 Miler

When she reached the north end zone inside Ohio Stadium, Lois “Marge” Stroebel rose from her wheelchair, shed the sleeping bag she’d been bundled into like the stuffings of a burrito, and, powered by her own determination, headed straight for the 50-yard line. Now, she wasn’t exactly bee-lining toward the big “O” at the center of the field, and her gray Nike sneakers weren’t leaving any smoke trails, but give her a break. She is 101 years old, after all. After walking those last 50 yards and crossing the finish line at the seventh-annual Ohio State 4 Miler to cheers, high-fives and a special acknowledgement from M3S Sports Race Director David Babner (who mistakenly announced during the race Oct. 12 that it was her birthday, though it was in September), Stroebel said she wasn’t even tired. “I didn’t do anything but sit here,” she said with a laugh as she pointed to…

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