It was over when the cars and trucks with Ohio plates started spilling down north Evanston side streets and waving $60 or more out of their windows to park on residents’ driveways and lawns. It was a done deal when Buckeyes superfan Big Nut looked around at all the scarlet and gray in a parking lot adjacent to Ryan Field, drew in a deep, satisfied breath and said to no one in particular, “Feels like home.” What’s the use when the game is sold out on a Friday night, but the atmosphere cries “surrender” before the opening kickoff? This is not meant to tear down Northwestern, which hosted No. 4 Ohio State in one of those college football contests everyone expects to go a certain way when one team is 1-4 and the other is an unbeaten superpower. It’s just hard as heck to deal with the Buckeyes — in…
Continue Reading: In Evanston, hope left the building before Northwestern and Ohio State even started