The 3-year-old College Football Playoff format grew on Urban Meyer fast, especially after he led Ohio State through the two games to the first championship in the 2014 season.“I was skeptical to begin with, but it’s a great experience for all involved,” Meyer said Thursday in Atlanta. He was taking part in a news conference featuring the four coaches whose teams are in this year’s semifinals, including Alabama’s Nick Saban, Washington’s Chris Petersen and Clemson’s Dabo Swinney. Alabama takes on Washington in Atlanta in the Peach Bowl on Jan. 31, and Clemson and Ohio State will meet that evening in the Fiesta Bowl. This will be Alabama’s third straight playoff appearance, which includes beating Clemson in last season’s title game. It will be the second straight appearance for Clemson, and the second appearance in three years for Ohio State. “I’m the rookie up here, eyes wide open, just echoing what…
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