March 11, 2025

This Ohio State fan's video might convince even a Michigan fan that the call was right

Until the end of time, Ohio State and Michigan fans will argue over whether J.T. Barrett got this fourth down conversion to set up the winning touchdown against Michigan. Monday morning, we received an email from a concerned Ohioan who would like you all to know that Barrett did in fact get the first down. And unlike this game’s many MS Paint truthers out there, he’s armed with towel triangulation to prove his point.

Triangulating the furl of the towel on No. 44’s waist puts both angles together to show where Barrett was at this point in space and time. “There’s the ball, plain as day,” the video’s narrator says. It’s true. You can see the nose of the ball right where the cursor is in this screenshot below, and based on how far it’d traveled just before this moment, it sure looks like it’s already broken the…

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