March 10, 2025

OSU alumni sponsor student send off

Incoming OSU students who graduated from Greene County high schools in 2016 and attended the Student Send-Off. Submitted photo Three current OSU students participated in a question and answer panel. OSU students L to R: Grace Koogler, Brooke Anderson, and Maggie Wagner with Christi Guillmen, OSU Scholarship Chairperson. Greene County News XENIA — The Ohio State University Alumni Club of Greene County recently sponsored its sixteenth annual Student Send Off. All Greene County high school graduates in the Class of 2016 who will be entering OSU as first year students this fall were invited. The picnic event was held at Community Park East in Fairborn and was planned to give the incoming students and their parents the opportunity to meet each other and get their questions answered by a panel of current OSU students. Spirited Buckeye activities included appearances from special guest: Larry Lokai of Urbana (an alum who appears at all OSU football games as the Buckeye Man) led the group in OSU cheers and presented necklaces of buckeyes to each of the new students. Lokai gives away thousands of buckeyes each year and makes the buckeye necklaces himself. Scholarship Chairperson Christi Guillmen conducted a question and answer session.…

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