March 18, 2025

6 thoughts on “Watch: Carlos Hyde surveillance video from Sugar Bar 2

  1. It looks like she made contact first! Only in our society can a white woman hit a black man, and he is the one that is to blame because he turns around and defends himself. This is like Trayvon Martin, except she didn’t kill him. If Urban gets rid of Hyde over this, then he is just as racist as all the other media. So sick of the double standard in this society. We are not your slaves people! Even though the NCAA basically employees these black athletes as such!!!! So sick of it…

  2. this has nothing to do with race but of course people like you take it to that, so stupid

  3. and I believe their are white athletes as well in the ncaa not just black and still with the race card on everything, u were never a slave and I was never a slave owner

  4. What a stupid bitch, it has nothing to do with black and white it has to do with people being assholes. I hope Hyde comes back and I’m white

  5. Looks like she hit first. I don’t condone hitting a female, but whatever happened to controlling your self and getting your hands off other people. As a man or women that’s a simple principle to follow. Especially if you don’t want to be hit back. I dont know what was said but words should never get you that upset to hit someone. Im dumbfounded as to why she isnt being looked atvfor potential charges.Btw I’m a black male and I don’t see this as a racial issue. This could have been anyone of any race and I believe we would have the same story.

  6. Actually it appears that she hit him first, he gave her a half slap, and then she actualy made contact a 2nd time when he was half slapping her. So, she wins 2 of 3 slaps. Can’t we just chalk this up to two people being stupid, and maybe drunk? Why does it have to be a race issue Sharon? Also, why can’t Carlos Hyde file assault charges against her? Especially since in kids terms “she started it”.

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