March 11, 2025

Ohio State’s Jaamal Berry Named Suspect in Assault

Ohio State running back Jaamal Berry has been named a suspect in an assault that occurred over the weekend.

The Lantern is reporting:

The latest incident occurred at 2:20 a.m. Friday on Vine Street, behind North Market, and involved a 21-year-old non-OSU student. The victim was “struck in the face with a closed fist,” according to the Columbus police report.

Berry, a redshirt sophomore running back, was with another African-American male and was allegedly yelling at the victim and his friend, after the victim was struck by a car. The victim, who The Lantern has chosen not to name at this time, said that Berry and his friend were yelling vulgar remarks at him. After asking why they were yelling, the victim said that Berry crossed the street and punched his friend, and then punched him in the face with a closed fist.

Berry was later identified by a witness, and the alleged victim said he confirmed Berry’s identity when shown a picture by police.

Gene Smith is aware of the situation and says that Jaamal Berry will be suspended if he is charged.

This isn’t the first incident involving Berry, last month Berry was treated and released from the OSU Medical Center after being involved in what university police called an assault, no charges were ever filed.